| 1. | Hearing the prosecution ' s closing statement . . [电视]听着检方最后的控词. . |
| 2. | - hearing the prosecution ' s closing statement . . 听着检方最后的控词. . |
| 3. | Hearing the prosecution ' s closing statement 电视听着检方最后的控词 |
| 4. | The close statement releases the current result set associated with the cursor Close语句释放与游标关联的当前结果集。 |
| 5. | Chapter eight is the conclusion and closing statement the author wishes to thank dr . shengyuan zhang of mathematics department , fujian normal university 本文的写作得到了福建师范大学数学系张胜元博士的热心指导,在此表示衷心的感谢 |
| 6. | Closing statement delivered by the secretary for home affairs , mr w k lam , at the hearing of the united nations committee on economic , social and cultural rights on april 30 , 2001 财政司司长曾荫权就《二一至二年度政府财政预算案》摘要发表的演辞全文(三月七日) |
| 7. | Closing statement delivered by the secretary for home affairs , mr w k lam , at the hearing of the united nations committee on economic , social and cultural rights on april 30 , 2001 财政司司长曾荫权就《二一至二年度政府财政预算案》摘要发表的演辞全文(三月七日) |
| 8. | With no new commitments on the currency ? not even mentioned in the closing statements ? the outcome is unlikely to satisfy china ' s critics in congress 由于在人民币汇率问题上没有作出新的承诺? ?闭幕声明中甚至没有提到这个问题? ?这一结果不太可能令美国国会中批评中国的人士满意。 |
| 9. | The candidates , under their rules , may not question each other directly . there will be no opening statements , but each candidate may have up to two minutes for a closing statement 根据规则,两位总统候选人不能直接向对方提问。两位总统候选人将不作开场讲话,但在本次辩论结束时,各有至多2分钟的时间作总结。 |
| 10. | The delegates announced in a joint closing statement to work together on all aspects of avian influenza , including prompt and transparent sharing of information , research work and assuring adequate resources to take on the challenges posed by the outbreak 议会代言人于会后发表联合声明,表示会共同合作处理有关禽流感事宜,包括实时交换所有相关资讯及研究成果,以及确保在足够资源的情况下应付爆发所带来的挑战。 |